Just to let you know a little about me, the creator of basketweavingtools.com. The maker of the tools that I sell on this website.
My name is Jim Winslow and I have been making tools of some sort for over 50 years. Yes, that means I am old, I am retired from the 8 to 5 job. But still am making tools. I started my working life as a teacher, teaching what was called Industrial Arts, in 1969. Some simply referred to it as “shop class.” I ended my education career as Director of Technology. meaning that I was the head geek for the school system, taking care of all their computer needs. But my first love was always working with my hands, making things.
I have been making awls like the one at the right for over 35 years. I had been selling them on eBay for years also. Then one day a lady bid on one of my awls and right away messaged me that she didn’t want it. When I questioned why, she told me she needed a bodkin as she was going to weave baskets with it. Having never heard of a bodkin I asked what it was. She told me that it was like an awl but had a bigger spike. Being me, I said I would make her a bodkin. I did and my business was started. I hate to think about some of my first Bodkins, as I really didn’t have any idea of what I was making. But after talking with basket weaving instructors, and seeing pictures on the web I have refined my bodkins to what you see today.

I have been told that I am the only one making these tools in North America, and I haven’t seen any others selling them on the web that wasn’t made by me. I have added other willow basket weaving tools that weavers have asked for. Now I think of myself as a one stop shop for the weaving community.
Is this a scam site?
I have been asked to prove that I am not scamming people. I don’t know how to prove that I am not. I know that there are lots of scamming sites out there on the web. I myself have been taken in by a website or two. But I always make sure that I pay with PayPal because they will refund my money if I do get scammed. That is why I only accept PayPal on my site. PayPal protects both the seller and the buyer. I would never ask for a credit card number, or a check. If you don’t have a PayPal account, don’t worry about it, as you don’t need one to pay using PayPal.