1/4″ Bodkin




This small bodkin is a must for the basket weaver. I say this because every website that talks about tools has a 1/4″ scratch awl as a recommendation.

What is a scratch awl? It is a tool used by metal workers to scratch on metal when laying out lines to cut or to bend on. Does the basket weaver need a scratch awl? I don’t believe so, but they do need a small bodkin. Why do people recommend the scratch awl? Because until now no one made a small bodkin for basket weaving community.

Below the tool to the left is a scratch awl it is made from high carbon steel and is harden so it will stay sharp when marking metal. How do basket weavers use this tool? For splitting rods and where needed to add a small rod The tools to the right is my small Bodkin used the same way but made from stainless steel.

Why is the small bodkin the same price as the 3/8″ bodkin? they are both made from 3/8″ stainless steel rod.




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